STEP Actions

I’ve started adding actions to the STEP code, targeted (at least at first) at collecting up the entity instance names in a parameter list to make it easier to analyze what’s in a STEP file.

I need to do this more often, because I spent about an hour fumbling about making stupid mistakes. And even now that I’ve got it working, I’m haunted by the notion there should be a simpler approach. Anyway, here’s what I’ve got at the moment:

class ISO_10303_21::Actions {
    method entity_instance_name($/) { make [~$/] }
    method parameter($/) {
        for <typed_parameter untyped_parameter omitted_parameter> -> $s {
            return make $/{$s}.ast if $/{$s}.defined;
    method omitted_parameter($/) { make [] }
    method untyped_parameter($/) {
        for <entity_instance_name list_of_parameters> -> $s {
            return make $/{$s}.ast if $/{$s}.defined;
        make [];
    method typed_parameter($/) { make $<parameter>.ast }
    method list_of_parameters($/) { make merge-arrays(@($<parameter>)».ast); }
    method parameter_list($/) { make merge-arrays(@($<parameter>)».ast); }

What’s bugging me are the parameter and untyped_parameter definitions — those seem like they should be easier to express somehow. At least, that basic functionality is going to be pretty common.

Oh, and I just found (and fixed) a bug in the code looking at this blog post.

Feel like I had something more to say, but I’m tired and heading to bed.

One Response to “STEP Actions”

  1. skids Says:


    return make $/{$_}.ast if $/{$_}.defined for ?

    But yes, when you have to pass an ast up through layered tokens it starts to feel a bit icky. Maybe nodes that leave .ast undefined should get something bound there automatically.

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